Like many Labour Party members I do not vote for Ed Miliband, choosing to give my preferences to Andy Burnham and for David Miliband. However, I am feeling upbeat about the future as Ed is a change and not labelled as a Blairite or a Brownite unlike some of the other candidates, who may have been more experienced.
Ed is enthusiastic and motivated to lead a new party into a new era. Yes we have to acknowledge the wrongs of our past Government, such as the Iraq War, not winning the argument over immigration and the 10p tax debacle .However, let us not forget the three general election victories of 1997, 2001 and 2005 when Martin Salter had a 9.000 plus majority for Labour in Reading West due to raising living standards and promoting full employment.
Labour under Ed Miliband will look to move on, to oppose the reckless slash and burn of the coalition whilst producing a credible alternative that involves growth, some reductions in state spending and higher taxes, particularly on the real culprits of causing the deficit, the banks and finance institutions.
The positive thing that really is apparent is the number of ordinary trade union members that voted for Ed and the number of young people who want a radical alternative to the ultra conservative coalition. Many young people were crying out for progressive radicalism in the last election and many opted to vote for the Lib Dems. Many Lib Dem voters mistakenly voted for a radical party and they are bitterly disappointed with what the Lib Dems have signed up to. These are the voters that a rejuvenated Labour Party will attract.
Yes, acknowledge the mistakes made in the past, but shout to the roof tops of Labour's legacy of Children's Centres, the Minimum Wage, peace in Northern Ireland, record numbers of Police and Teachers, lower crime, improved public services helping the vulnerable and poorer members of society, a less prejudice and more tolerance regarding sexuality, disability, gender and race and one of the best National Health Services in the world.
Labour is united and ready to offer a credible alternative to the coalition, the fightback has begun.
I have been made aware that I got Martin's majority wrong. It was not 9.000 plus but 8.849. Please accept my apologies on my lack of detail.