I attended the SE Region Day of Action in Reading with scores of members of the public and Trade Unionists demonstrating against the unnecessary cuts that will damage jobs, threatening the livelihoods of workers and their families and threatening growth. I spoke at the rally outside of the Civic Centre giving details of the consultation on the proposed cuts of £3.9m in Children's Services. We don't have to make these cuts whilst the banksters are coining in at least £2bn of undeserved bonuses.
Below is the text from Bob Wilkinson, Acting interim Secretary of the Reading TUC.
Reading witnessed another demonstration today of the determination of a growing number of residents to stand up and denounce the fraud being perpetuated by the coalition government around the need for, and the direction of, the cuts in public services.
At the culmination of the demonstration at the Reading Civic Centre a number of speakers gave voice to the widespread opposition to the policies being followed both at national and local level.
Stu Melvin of the SOS Reading campaign explained how the Save Our Services group was meeting now on a monthly basis and linking up with the Reading Trades Council and groups opposing the cutbacks in the National Health Services, both in the hospital and community NHS provision. He invited all concerned to the meeting being held in the Greet Expectations at 7.30pm on Thursday 20th January, entitled Protect Our NHS in Reading, to be addressed by Kevin Jackson of West Berks. Health Unison.
John Ennis of the Reading Labour group and the National Association of Probation Officers followed with a detailed account of the cutbacks in social services being planned by Reading Borough Council. Especially serious was the loss of funding for a range of Children's Services that would have the greatest impact on those who needed most support.
Green Councillor Rob White spoke next on how the Council's drastic pruning of services to the community were driven more by ideology than financial necessity. He emphasised again how it was the poorest and most needy who would be hit the hardest by having their support removed at a time when they needed it more than ever.
Steve Waite from Unison concluded the speeches by pointing out how previous generations had struggled to secure the range of provision that we had been taken for granted ever since the war. The Welfare State had been set up at a time when the level of the Deficit was far higher than it is today. The continuing payment of bonuses to the top management in the banks was an insult to those who were sacrificing basic necessities in order to pay rising energy, transport and levels of taxation. The forthcoming elections in May will see a challenge to many of the councillors who have so far been in support of these policies.
The Reading Trades Union Council expressed its thanks to all those from the range of Trade Unions involved and those concerned citizens who took part in the protest. The activity needs to continue and calls upon all those already involved to prepare for the national demonstration on Saturday 26th March.
Bob Wilkinson
Acting Secretary of the Interim RTUC
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