Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Extract from Southcote Police Report

Below is part of the Southcote Police Report about the Neighbourhood Action Group priorities. The Police in Southcote are working hard for residents in reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
Following our recent public consultation our three priorities in the neighbourhood are: 1. Parking - Inconsiderate parking across footpaths and grass verges and at school times. 2. Speeding - Speeding in Burghfield Road, Southcote Lane and various residential areas 3. Litter and Dog Fouling - Increasing amounts of litter and owners allowing their dogs to foul the area, especially around Silchester Road and Circuit Lane Traffic/Speeding Unfortunately this has remained an issue. We have continued to carry out speed enforcement checks in Circuit Lane and Southcote Lane by the roundabout, in conjunction with Reading Borough Council. Some motorists have been spoken to regarding their speed, however no one was travelling well above the limit to cause any concerns. We plan to continue to carry out speed checks and PC Bell will be carrying out speeding enforcement using a laser gun. Offenders on these occasions can be prosecuted. Although speeding has been identified by the community as an issue it is not just for us, the police, to deal with. If you are a road user please abide by the speed limits and ensure that members of you household, particularly children, are properly supervised and made aware of the dangers when crossing or using the road. Litter and Dog Fouling Increasing amounts of litter and owners allowing their dogs to foul the area, especially around Silchester Road and Circuit Lane. This problem is caused by a small minority of people who live and travel through Southcote and who show little or no respect for the environment or other people. To address this we need the help of those of you who do care about the place that we live. We need to know who the people are that are allowing their dogs to foul pavements and verges and those who are dropping litter.

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