Sunday, 2 May 2010

A vote for the Tories is a vote to wreak havoc on our public services

Going out yesterday canvassing I noted a concern from many voters who were undecided at the start of the campaign that if they don't vote Labour then the Tories will be in power nationally and locally. A single mother was particularly concerned after going on the internet to examine the manifestos of the political parties that the Tories have not committed to keep all Child Tax credits and as a single mother she felt demonised by the married couples allowance proposals from the Tories. She was concerned for public services and asked me what the posters on bus shelters mean when they talk of the Tories first budget.

I also met a family that rely on public services a lot and their worry is that the Tories don't use the public services they use and by cutting them back the Tories won't really lose votes. They mentioned that big society ideas look as if the Tories will tell people to stand alone and services will be either cut or sold off.

Now I am aware that negative campaigning is not popular and it is not alright to just focus on scaremongering without laying out your own policies. But it is also about values and intentions and Labour are absolutely clear that our prime motives are to protect front line services and enhance them where possible. Efficiencies can be made but not at the expense of cutting back services that are badly needed by people. As a Labour councillor and public sector worker I fear for the future of public services if the Tories are given a clear mandate.

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